Week 1- Two Cultures

 I am a biology Major here at UCLA with a minor in anthropology which makes me feel like I have a foot in both the north and south campus here at UCLA. As someone who considers myself a scientist immersing myself in the reading by Snow, I realized how familiar I was with all of the science things but never really realized the effect it had on my perspective. In the reading Snow talked a lot about how science as a whole is so finite and doesn't necessarily have a specific definition and if it does it doesn't necessarily encompass what science really is. 

Illustration of the differences between north and south campus

In the lecture by Dr. Vesna, we got to see her perspective on the reading and something that really stood out to me was the talk of the third culture which she said consists of scientists and other thinkers that escape the natural world and look at the more empirical values that encompass who we are as a whole. I feel like I fall into this category because I am an anthropology minor who is biology focused I feel like I get to see the world through a different lens and can differentiate between the I and "me" perspectives. 
Fowler Museum UCLA: "Anthropology lecture hall"

On the UCLA campus, we see the north and south campuses as two different cultural groups where the north campus is seen, to me, as a more chill, creative, and calmer environment. Whereas the south campus is more hectic, speedy, and loud side. This is interesting to say out loud cause when I usually think of science (south campus) I think of a more quiet person focused on their studies. In contrast, it's quite the opposite of my description of south campus as it is very frantic and loud especially during "passing periods". Whereas when you think of the arts you think of a loudness and creative side but to me the north campus is calmer and has peace to it. 

The looking glass: seeing things through my own lens

I feel like as an anthropology minor having this understanding of stereotypes and separating them from my own perspective is very essential in learning to be a person and becoming who I am and also helps me gain more knowledge because when I separate myself from stereotypes that I don't necessarily realize are existent I can see things through my own lens.


Kelly, Kevin. “The Third Culture.” Edge.org, 27 Feb. 1998, 


Vesna, Victoria, “Lecture Part II: Two Cultures.” Youtube, Mar. 2012,


Snow, C. P. Two Cultures and the Scientific Revolution. Cambridge University Press, 



Vesna, Victoria, “Lecture Part III: Two Cultures.” Youtube, Mar. 2012,



Vesna, Victoria. “Toward a third culture: Being in between.” Leonardo, vol. 34, no. 2, Apr. 2001, pp. 121–125, https://doi.org/10.1162/002409401750184672.






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